altezza: 177cm
seno: 86cm
vita: 63cm
fianchi: 91cm
scarpa: -
capelli: castani
occhi: azzurri
Altezza: 174cm
Seno: 89cm
vita: 70cm
Fianhi: 95cm
Scarpa: 39,5
Capelli: Castano scuro
Occhi: Marroni
taglia 40-42
altezza: 178cm
seno: 83cm (seconda)
vita: 68cm
fianchi: 102cm
scarpa: 40/41
capelli: biondo scuro
occhi: blu
altezza: 173cm
seno: 92cm
vita: 70cm
fianchi: 95cm
scarpe: 39
occhi: azzurri
capelli: bianchi
Silver Paris
altezza: 171cm
taglia: 40
seno: 91cm (seconda/terza)
vita: 72cm
fianchi: 98cm
occhi: marroni
capelli: castani
altezza: 165cm
seno: 73cm
vita: 59cm
fianchi: 80cm
scarpe: 37
capelli: brizzolati
occhi: verdi
altezza: 165cm
seno: 88cm
vita: 70cm
fianchi: 93cm
scarpa: 38,5
capelli: castani
occhi: marroni
alteza: 18cm
petto: 90cm
vita: 76cm
fianchi: 94cm
scarpe: 40
capelli: marroni
occhi: azzurri
Marielle started her modeling career when she was scouted in the Dutch city Groningen at the age of 20. She was in for a new adventure and within a year she worked fulltime in Paris and after in New York. Quite impressive: her first job in Paris was for Yves Saint Laurent’s fashion show and her first job in the United States was a Calvin Klein campaign with Bruce Weber who afterward often worked with her.Marielle also did a gorgeous shoot for the French Vogue—even while being pregnant—and another memorable shoot was with Hans Ferrer, for Elle on the Seychelles.
altezza: 178cm
petto: 81cm
vita: 63cm
fianchi: 87cm
scarpe: 41
capelli: grigi
occhi: marroni